One Summer’s Night

It's Hot

Shel Silverstein from

One summer’s night
when I was twelve
or fourteen or more
I lay in bed uncovered
a window fan blowing
hot, steaming summer
air across my steaming

Remembering winter’s
uncivilized arctic blast
did not bring consolation
but a resolve of two far
off but necessary lifestyle

Move south.
Have air conditioning.

dVerse – Poets Pub
Tuesday Poetics: Summer Starter
In honor of the Solstice, we have been challenged to write a Summer poem.
We are to use another writer’s poem – a word, a line – as an igniter (my word)
to get us going, poetically speaking.  Come join us!  Bring picnic food to pass.








32 thoughts on “One Summer’s Night

    • I seem to do that a lot. But then, I grew up soaking in the works of people who played with words… sometimes until they broke them. Glad you stopped by for a smile!


  1. Laughing at your comment “shivering is not a sport”. I think it might be in Canadian winters. We should start a league here..haha. I enjoy the change of seasons…and so appreciating our warm temps right now.
    Fun poem, Charley. 🙂

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