Gravy, Then the Grave — a poem

Breath lost in the shadows,
every corner hiding potential
threats. Strides echo; heat

signatures of sound to beasts
that may hunt the corridors.
Lights dim at my approach –

flicker, fade. Pulse races,
carries over my rasping,
ever present fears. This

nightmare is real. Those
chasing me are gaining.
Seen only from the corner

of my eyes. Heard just
out of sight; out of reach.

                        out of my mind.

Another Reason to Lock My Door — a poem

3am comes wearing
socks, ready to join
me for late night streaming –

All ten seasons –

Some nights accompanied
by munchies.

Xanax, peanuts, chips.

Other times a red, dark
and foreboding.

After many farewells,
assurances we must
do this again,
Early Morning takes
its exit only as Dawn,
like a straying dog,

tired and wet.




Given a Hand — a poem

image by Charley

Given a hand to pull
myself up from where
Life had laid me.

Given a foot to take
me anywhere I needed
to be to make life happen.

Given a brain to make
work less back, more wiles;
more joy, less trials.

Given a heart to share
as the need is proven
real, not just idle desire.

Given a measure of time to invest,
not spend or waste –
a measure.

No less. No more.