Come What May — a poem

Before I disappear
Whisper in my ear
Give me something to echo
In my unknown future’s ear      – Pearl Jam

720 hours,
or 43,200 minutes –
cruel beyond belief.

Cruel, cruel, cruel!

And yet lilacs bred
out of dead soil
is better gardening
than I have managed.

Wringing meaning
out of daily toil –
wringing deadly lilacs
out of damaged soil.

The great ones supped
on war’s broth, flew
on chemical wings, slipped
on love’s thin ice, died
writhing ecstatically
on madness’ pallet.

They brought beauty
out of their flames, poetry
out of their anguish.

I stabbed at shadows
for a month in honor
of those who came
before me.

I’ll spill my blood
as ink, and write echoes…

come what may.

*   *   *

A marathon month. The finish line. The finished line.

Our Gardenia knocks… — a poem

image by Charley

Our Gardenia knocks on our sliding
back door, begging to have her scent
let in.

Sunning herself on our screened porch,
she takes on the aroma of the feral
plants across the pond.

Soon she will be calling in answer
to the Barred Owls in the preserve –
the growl of Bobcats.

Once they are let outside, you can’t
bring them in and expect domestic

*   *   *

I guess I’ll have to give up on the idea of obedience training….