“Pay No Attention….” — a poem

I have moved
on from this cascade
and feel no need,
no desire for reflection.

Horrid events
captured in a pool
at the base of a wall,
only memory’s projection

I am forward looking
to my own, my own

* * *

So, Chrissa at The Sunday Muse brought a prompt: “This is the curtain [see image above] behind which I feel last year was lived (and this year, with exceptions, is as well) and I’m very interested to see what might lie on the other side. Or what lurks on this side. :)”

Why is it I can never do these the easy way?

Mother Losing Her Children — a poem

“Natural Woman” Digital Collage Art “Covid Creations” by Susie Clevenger

Unphased by the moon, she trods
her garden of diminished returns.

Out on a limb, fowl she gathers, cages;
for idiots defoliate helter-skelter erecting
green-friendly blocks of luxury cells….

As she gazes out, derision plainly displayed
upon her face. She wonders aloud, asks,

“Wasn’t anyone listening to Joni Mitchell?”

* * *

Faced with this image posted on The Sunday Muse, and the decimation of what was once habitat and oxygen source around our area, I just had to. Really.