When All Becomes Too Much — a poem

A guy walks into a bank
of fog and disappears
from himself – the harvest
of many nights unclothed
by sleep.

                       What happens
when too many prompts
spoil the ode? Sonnet-
interruptus? Haiku-ka-chu?

Not halfway through
the cruelest month one
goes cold-stone cummings;
jabber-walking parapets
of meter and tone – iamb-
steps through muddied sound.


*   *   *

Those who follow me know I don’t always play fair with poetry prompts. Today is no exception. I took, ran with, tripped over a rock or a rut, and twisted three potentially perfectly fine prompts: 

Write a poem about a lost thing; write a poem made up of one-liner style jokes/sentimentsor write a poem about the moment something is harvested.

Instead of “or,” I read it to mean “and.”

My one-liner is actually the first line of a Rodney Dangerfield joke. My wife and I use it as a code. When one of us sends it, we know something has gone amiss. Feel free to look up the joke.




7 thoughts on “When All Becomes Too Much — a poem

  1. I think this is my new fav. “Sonnet- interruptus? Haiku-ka-chu?” It doesn’t get any better than that! And the way your lure us in with the opener is evilly funny. There is just so much in this that blows the mind!

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