My Rinse and Spin Thoughts

Rinse and Spin

photo by Charley — feel free to steal it

This is day three of 28 Days of Unreason —

“As with dancing you have to learn the steps” – Jim Harrison


Things my mother told
me don’t always work.

Here is how the dance goes:

One – my eyes surface to discover
the incivility of seven has intruded.

Two – mourn the loss
of the unbeing peace of slumber.

It often isn’t the molten silvered dawn that molests,
but the army ants that inhabit
my joints and ligaments;
or the gestating future ghosts that haunt
my brain – my brain has become
a perpetual motion machine.

Three – brushing my teeth helps.

Four – breakfast soothes the wooly beast that grazes
at my bowl and drinks
out of my coffee cup.

Five – ponder.

Did I forget to turn off
the alarm of my rinse and spin thoughts?


A little over a year ago, I joined Jillys2016 in a challenge called “28 Days of Unreason.”  She culled quotes from the poems of Jim Harrison in a book called Songs of Unreason.  We used the quotes as prompts; diving boards suspended over the abyss of poetry.  Jill is revisiting unreason, and I am skipping gleefully along.  Come and join the fun!