Solitudinal Curse

“Like many poets I’m part blackbird and part red squirrel and my brain chatters, shrieks, and whistles.” – Jim Harrison


I often cannot write in quiet seclusion;

the menagerie I keep in my head makes

too much racket.  In a jazz club, on a busy

street corner, in the midst of a raucous

gathering of family and good friends

my thoughts go quiet, tamed quiet

by noise external.  Then I can write.


The song of tree frogs

beep beep traffic jams of joy

go still when we talk


This is part of “28 Days of Unreason”

based on prompts taken from poems

by Jim Harrison.

5 thoughts on “Solitudinal Curse

  1. This is yet another example of how you do this poetry thing so well. The title makes a nice ribbon tied around it all and I adore that line – beep, beep traffic jams of joy! But, again I come to the end of your poem and am stopped in my tracks. I have to read again to get to the center of the onion that is this poem. Bravo!

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